In Finnish


We will also take Rita to shows.

Rita's show results
Kuopio INT6.8.-06Ronald Besoff, AustraliaVery good
Kuopio4.8.-06Peggy Bailey, Great BritainGood
Pälkäne (monobreed)9.4.-06Margaret Lambert, Great BritainGood


Kuopio 6.8.-06
Junior class
A Lightly made bitch, needs to be stronger all over. Head and expression fine. Would prefer better ear placement and carriage. Lacking in chest and ribbing. Moderate angulation behind. Coat finnishings needs to be better, texture and colour good. Shows moderate reach and drive. Topline good on the move. Needs to be stronger all over.

Kuopio 4.8.-06
Junior class
11-months (not true) tricolour. Rather ???. Moves well. Nice length of tail. Nice length of back.

Pälkäne 9.4.-06
Junior class
Tri bitch. Nice Size. A little worried. Should improve with confidense. Nice head type. Ears overtrimmed & needs to settle. Moved quite well in troat. Should mature quite nicely.

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